3900 N Island Hwy, Nanaimo
Mon-Fri: 8-4:30 & Sat-Sun: Closed
26 Apr 2017

Window Repair – 5 Common Window Issues

Window repair or new windows? We all love new things but sometimes we just can't afford the "new" part. Budget Glass has helped hundreds of homeowners find solutions to fixing and repairing windows, which is often a less expensive alternative to planning a window renovation. By repairing your existing windows you can improve the energy efficiency of your home and...

19 Mar 2016
How to Add a New Window

How to Add a New Window: Let There Be (More) Light

How to Add a New Window: Adding More windows to your home, according to a recent article “50 Features Homebuyers Want Most”, has ample “day lighting”is ranked at #8 on the list. Our dreary West Coast days can compound this challenge by making those rooms feel even darker and slightly more depressing. Now for many of us the option of...